Music and development

  • Cross cultural studies,  Music & Education,  Music and development

    Musical talent – cross cultural development

    Hello Dear Reader, And a Happy December to you all. For those of you who follow Christmas traditions, like my family, it is a jolly time for trimming the tree and getting all the old decorations out of the loft. In case you were wondering…the lights worked! This year is especially lovely as it will be baby Penelope’s first Christmas. She watched with eyes the size of dinner plates as we put the tree up and drooled at the sight of the twinkling tinsel and lights. People were right when they told me that this time of year takes on a whole new meaning when you see it through a…

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  • Music and development,  Rhythm

    Does musical training help reading skills?

    Dear Reader, Finally – some sun on this little island! I am enjoying this delightful early spring day with a small decaf coffee (some of you may know I am not able to consume caffeine) and a faceful of bright sunshine. What a difference it makes. The daffodils are coming out in York! Today’s blog takes its title from a new paper by Reyna Gordon and colleagues (USA) that I am sure will be of interest to many of you. The paper in question is a meta-analysis, a powerful review of multiple studies. The aim of the paper is to assess whether musical training is associated with a measurable improvement in children’s reading skills…