Music and hearing

  • Music and hearing,  Musical Expertise

    Musicians at cocktail parties

    Hello Dear Reader, If you want to follow a conversation at a cocktail party then ask a musician to listen in. If you want to know why, keep reading… Just before I get into that… I must tell you that I am excited about ESCOM, the big music psychology conference, which this year is taking place at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. It starts tomorrow (Monday 17th August) though most of the talks begin Tuesday (18th). Lots of my friends and colleagues will be making the trip including my research team mates from Luzern, Switzerland (HSLU). ESCOM is looking great this year with a huge variety of…

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  • Music & Education,  Music and hearing,  Music Psychology

    Will music make my child smarter?

    Hello Dear Reader Today we are going to do things a little differently. Instead of commenting on a new paper, my usual format, I have written a short opinion piece in response to something I read in a UK newspaper a few weeks ago.  Please bear in mind of course that this is just one person’s response, and opinion. And it’s just a taster of the debate! There is much more coverage in my book, for anyone who wishes to know more. OK, on with the words…. Access to music education has been on the decline, at least in UK schools, for years. I have experienced this regression from many…