You Are The Music (book)
‘You are the music / While the music lasts’ T.S. Eliot, The Four Quartets
Do babies remember music from the womb? Can classical music increase your child’s IQ? Is music good for productivity?
What is going on in your brain when Ultravox’s Vienna, Schonberg’s Verklarte Nacht or Dizzle Rascal’s Bonkers transport you to back to student life?
In this brilliant exploration of the place of music in all our lives – whether we’re a professional musician or just often find ourselves humming The Archers theme tune – music psychologist Victoria Williamson asks: from the womb to old age, why is music SO important to so many of us?
From the child who takes music lessons to the commuter who cannot travel to work without an iPod, this upbeat, eye-opening book reveals for the first time the extent of the universal language of music that lives deep inside us all.
‘You Are the Music demonstrates how much the music within us matters. Remaining practical and thoughtful throughout, Williamson incisively places music in a biological context…In You Are the Music, Victoria Williamson offers a deep yet accessible exploration of the remarkably diverse means by which music may influence cognition, emotions, and motor skills’ Science
‘Williamson unravels the myths – that Mozart boosts your child’s IQ, for example, or that music provides a one-genre-fits all remedy for mental illness – while highlighting the ways in which music aids learning and impacts our sense of well-being. As such, her survey provides an uncomplicated look at music’s power to impact human behaviour – whether in the workplace, the market place or the cinema – together with insights into those areas of the brain that control our musical responses’. BBC Music Magazine.
‘The book combines cutting edge scientific research with the accessibility of a TED-talk, it is a fascinating insight into our relationship with music’ – Claudia Sunderhauf at Edinburgh Ocean Terminal for Waterstones
‘Williamson’s style is incredibly readable and very accessible and she is clearly very passionate about her subject. I particularly love how she intersperses little personal anecdotes throughout the book, which creates a very endearing approach’. Classical Guitar n Stuff
‘Dr Vicky Williamson’s love of and fascination with the book’s subject rolls off every page. She conveys the mystery and magic of music in a very clear and understandable way that makes not just for a compelling read but also one that will make you hear and listen to music in new ways’. Jonathan Morrish PPL
‘If you’re looking to study more about music, I think this is a good introduction book because the author helpfully summarises different research studies and explains what they mean. And it’s interesting, so if you have an interest in music, you should consider reading this’ – Eustacia Tan @ Goodreads
‘Vicky Williamson has written a considered, thought-provoking and revealing book for those of us who love music of any genre and are keen to learn more about the crucial role it plays in our lives’ – Dave Jennings at ‘Louder than War’
‘An intriguing book looking at what music does to us and our brains from before birth right through to adulthood. As a community choir leader I found it particularly interesting and full of useful information. Although it deals with science and biology it is written in a clear accessible style for the general reader and the writing style is lively and chatty – for anyone who loves music’ – Laura P @Amazon
Order on Amazon now! (available in paperback and ebook)
Order at the Book Depository now!
Order at Angus and Robertson (Australia)
Media related appearances around release (for more see Media)
Radio 4 ‘Start The Week’ – January 27th 2014
Radio 3 ‘In Tune’ – February 26th 2014
Radio 4 ‘Today program’ – March 6th 2014
Science Uncovered magazine – March 2014 – special article
Marc Serra Griera
Hi Vicky,
I’m your Twitter follower @MarcSG31. I’m music teacher in Vic (Barcelona).
Your book has made me feel as keen as a mustard as I’ve been getting into the psychology of music since three years ago.
I would like to ask you whether you would be interested in translate “You are the music” in other languages.
Hi Marc. Thank you so much for all your nice feedback. I have been ill recently so I apologise for the delay in my reply. My publisher tells me the book is to be translated into Russian, as a Russian publisher has approached them with an offer. As far as I know that is the only language so far though. I wish it was in Castilian / Catalan especially, since my fiance is from Spain (Zaragoza and Barcelona). One hope is that a smaller, concise version of the book is coming out at Christmas and there may be more cross language interest from overseas publishers then. If you would like to ask my publisher directly about translations then their details can be found here: http://www.iconbooks.com/contact-us/
All the best, Vicky
Adelyn Sanford
“Fantastic read! Your in-depth analysis and thoughtful insights were very helpful. I appreciate the time and effort you put into researching and writing this post. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us. Looking forward to reading more of your content.