Jobs and scholarships

If you have any positions or opportunities that you would like to see posted here then please contact Vicky

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Department of Psychology/Brain and Mind, Western University, Canada.
The post is based in the Music and Neuroscience lab (headed by Jessica Grahn). The lab explores the links between music, rhythm, and movement using neuroscientific methods and various populations (e.g., healthy adults, neurological patient populations, non-human animals). The lab is committed to best practices in Equity and Diversity.

The post-holder will play a key role in neuroimaging and possibly neuropsychological patient investigations of rhythm, timing, and music. A background in cognitive neuroscience or experimental psychology and expertise in fMRI, EEG, TMS/tDCS/tACS, or neuropsychological patient testing is preferred, but not required. Comfort with computer programming (e.g., Matlab, Python, R) would be helpful. No musical background is necessary. The successful applicant will enjoy working as part of an interdisciplinary team and be able to mentor members of the lab.

For further details on Dr. Grahn’s research, see
To learn more about Brain and Mind, please visit In addition to excellent MRI infrastructure, the Institute has TMS, tDCS, tACS, EEG/EMG, motion capture, audiodome, sleep-monitoring facilities, and gait-monitoring facilities.

To apply, please send a detailed CV and cover letter explaining why the lab’s research interests you and how your skills and abilities are suitable to with the subject line “Music & Neuroscience PDF”. The position will initially be for one year with an option to renew for a further one or two years. At the time of appointment candidates will have obtained (or will be about to obtain) a PhD in a relevant discipline. Western University limits postdoctoral applicants to no more than 5 years of experience post-PhD (with allowances given for leaves). Salary will be in the region of $45,000 CDN per year. Benefits include Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, a health-care spending account (to cover eye and dental care, prescriptions, etc.), and Western’s mentorship and professional development program for postdoctoral scholars, Competitive Edge.

Please feel free to contact Dr. Grahn if you have any enquiries. The selection process will begin on June 30th, 2024 and continue until the position is filled (late applications therefore may be considered).

The post will begin in 2024 or 2025.



Music Psychology Skills – GENERAL

A postgraduate qualification in Music Psychology will give you the following transferable skills that would be useful in multiple career pathways

  1. Research methods – quantitative and qualitative methods, data analysis, archival and source-based methods, analytical and close reading methods, literature search and evaluation, ethical considerations, risk assessment methods, data management and storage, rigour, respect and responsibility
  2. Critical and analytical skills – Critical thinking: evaluating texts and practices, logical argument, innovation. Analytical skills: asking good questions, contextualising data, problem solving.
  3. Collaboration – Interpersonal skills: role play, networking, relationship building, empathy, influencing, negotiating and mediating, personal impact and confidence. Working with others: team working, partnership working, information sharing, setting shared goals. Working across disciplines: interdisciplinary awareness, creative collaboration.
  4. Communication -Written communication skills: essay and report writing, graphic and multimedia presentation, persuasive writing. Verbal communication skills: speaking, presenting, listening and understanding, using presentation software tools.
  5. Numeracy and Digital Literacy – statistical analysis and interpretation, computing and IT skills, digital information retrieval, data analysis software.


Available jobs and scholarships will appear here. If you have a role to advertise then send details to my CONTACT PAGE to be added to this page.


General job search








  • Brian M

    Hi Dr. Williamson!
    Your website has been a tremendous help!
    I was wondering if you knew of any scholarships directed towards international students wanting to study in Australia?
    I have checked the Australian embassy’s website, the university I wish to attends website, and many other places. I have found a few but was wondering if you knew of any scholarships or grants for music directed psychological research?
    Or anything that would help with funding.

    Thank you so much,

  • vicky

    Hi Brian – thanks for the kind words, they are much appreciated. I see that you have already been very productive in your search for funding! The only thing I can suggest otherwise is contacting the Australian music psychology society to see if they know anything more:
    Best wishes for your plans,

  • Rockline

    Dear Vicky,

    Thank you for your sweet website! Could you please help me find some institutes and labs in German, which focus on psychology of music? Thank you so much!

    Kind regards,

  • A.

    Greetings Dr. Victoria Williamson,

    Thank you for all the content on this website. Honestly it is with your help from this site that I have been admitted to Goldsmith Univeristy Music, Mind & Brain programme. I was just recently accepted into this programme and I am an American International student, and I wanted to know do you have any Funding insight for Scholarships, Grants, etc that I could use to help me pay for tuition, boarding, etc while I am there. This will be a huge move for me, and its the opportunity of a lifetime so any information you could provide I’d greatly appreciate it.



  • vicky

    Hi A. Congratulations, I am so happy that you found the site to be useful for your application!
    I can absolutely sympathise with your question about funding sources. Sadly these are very scarce for UK masters programs at present. Goldsmiths used to have a fee reduction option for foreign students (ask the course directors about this).
    I suspect that it is too late for most of the major US funding options such as the Fullbright scheme. Ask your career advisor in the US if you are still at College as they will be able to help with ideas for similar US-UK schemes, or maybe go back to your School if you have left since and ask as an alumnus. There are no UK schemes that I can think of at present so the US would probably be your best option. But always ask the course directors of MMB if they know of any current schemes as they will know what their students may have managed to get in the past in terms of funding support. All the best,V

  • Anna

    Hello Dr.

    First of all let me tell you that you are doing a great job by posting all bout conferences and job related details. So thankyou so much as it helps a lot.

    I need to discuss few things with you . I am really worried as I am a Ph.D scholar of Music Psychology and about to finish my work most probably by the end of this year. I am still clueless about what I can do further. Apart being an associate professor is there any further scope for Ph.D holders? what scope do we have further in life? Please provide me a proper guidance, it’ll be of great help.


  • vicky

    Hi Anna. It is hard for me to cover the entire scope for PhD holders. I went into academia so I can tell you all about that but not much more besides. So let me think about other people. Most of my PhD friends also went into academia, though some followed a teaching rather than research route. Some went into University administration, as they liked the academic atmosphere but not the job. One or two went into writing, either into journalism (online as well as print) or books. Some retrained – one went into medical school (you can take a short cut route in if you have a PhD), one went into library management, one became a primary school teacher, and one opened her own horse training school! I guess I am saying that anything is possible – it is up to you to find out what you really want from life. I would strongly encourage you to visit your University careers service or perhaps invest in a few sessions with a life coach? Focus on what you want from your life and what you can manage in terms of time and money. THere is no shame at all in reaching the end of a PhD and not knowing exactly what you want yet. That means that there is work to be done in figuring that issue out but never forget that you have accumulated great skills in your training that could open many doors. I wish you all the best. V

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