Music and Neurosciences V

  • Conference reviews,  Music and Neurosciences V

    Music and Neuroscience V – The Blogs

    Hello Dear Reader Today you find me in the UK. Two weeks ago I moved permanently from Switzerland (my base of 10 months) back to my home town of York. I miss the mountains and my Hochschule Luzern – Musik colleagues very much but I am happy to be surrounded by familiar places and my dear family again. Over the past week or so I have completed the compilation of my nine Music and Neuroscience V conference blogs. As with previous conferences I have edited all the blogs into a free e-book for you, Dear Reader. The link to the word (docx) file is here:  Please feel free to download this file…

  • Music & Memory,  Music and Health,  Music and Neurosciences V

    Music & Neurosciences V – Blog 9 (Music and Dementia)

    Hello Dear Reader The last blog of Music and Neurosciences V (Day 4) covers the final symposium of the event, which focused on Music Cognition and Dementia. This symposium was organised by my colleague Andrea Halpern and one of her collaborators, Jason Warren. I was looking forward to this symposium given the focus on music and memory. “Dementia” is not a single disease. It is a term that represents roughly 100 different conditions, including Alzheimer’s. Dementia currently affects about 10% of those over 65 years of age, and 47% of those over 85. Based on current projections, with an ageing population, the raw numbers of people dealing with dementia are…