Music performance

  • Music & Education,  Music performance

    Do you listen to classical music?

    Hello Dear Reader, Today the temperature has really begun to drop and for the first time I am working in front of a roaring fire in the middle of the day. Winter is surely creeping up on Yorkshire finally. My heightened awareness of this change may have something to do with the fact that I spent Sunday filing away my 2016 photos and reflecting in particular on my week in Lanzarote, a location my dear Spanish husband picked as it is, on average, the warmest place in Europe in winter. And it was when we visited in November. A very pleasant 25 degrees most days. Lanzarote has an absolutely stunning…

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  • Music & Space,  Music performance

    The internal piano – music and space

    Hello Dear Reader Well things are hotting up with the book publication this week. We are now 13 days from the big day – launch! For me this time period has been a learning experience in of itself, seeing first hand how publishers cope with the task of bringing a book onto the shelves and internet. For example, there are now several sites offering free copies of the book in prize draws such as Good Reads (so far I have a 4/5 as a rating on this website, which is really nice to see!) and National Book Tokens. If you have entered then I wish you the best of luck 🙂…

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