Music and Health

  • Music and Health,  Music Psychology

    Music for stress reduction – social context matters

    Dear Reader, I am back from summer holidays. Gosh – that was needed! I had a lovely break, spending time with family and friends, doing jobs arond the house, and visiting the beautiful city of Florence for the first time. Rest and relaxation of the kind I have experienced in the past couple of weeks is so important for the mind, but also the body. It is easy forget that your body can become tired when your job is largely sitting down all day. This situation puts pressure on the legs and spine, as well as reducing the bodies ability to flush out toxins. I needed time to take regular…

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  • Music & Memory,  Music and Health

    Music enhances memory in Alzheimer’s

    Dear Reader, I am writing to you today from Senate House in London. This year I have had the pleasure of being the School of Advanced Study‘s Visiting Fellow, a post that comes with a short-term residency in their pretty amazing Art Deco office. I have been made to feel very welcome and am enjoying all the benefits of seeing much missed colleagues and friends in London. I don’t miss London per se however. It is an amazing city, a fabulous place to visit, but I would not live here again. Turns out you can take this girl out of Yorkshire – but only temporarily! The last couple of months have…

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