Music Medicine & Therapy

  • Music & Emotion,  Music Medicine & Therapy

    The beat and the body

    Hello Dear Reader, I am writing to you today from Barcelona. I am on annual leave, taking a short break after the wonderful, successul launch of Music and Wellbeing on 5th May as part of the Arts and Humanities Festival. The evening went really well; you can read a short report about it here.  All the speakers were excellent and the piano recital from my PhD student Jessica Crich was amazing. The whole evening is being compiled as an iTunesU recording by the University of Sheffield. I will let you know when it is available. Since then I have been overwhelmed with kind feedback and requests for meetings about potential collaborations.…

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  • Music and Neurosciences V,  Music Medicine & Therapy,  Rhythm

    Music and Neurosciences V – Blog 3 (Moving on the beat of music)

    Hello Dear Reader Day 2 of Music and Neurosciences (Friday 30th May) delivered a bright blue sky over the city of Dijon. The short coffee break between the first session and this one was bathed in warm light, bringing out the soft colours of the city. I can definitely recommend Burgundy for your travels, dear reader. The second morning session of Day 2 (Music and Neurosciences conference) was chaired by Simone Dalla Bella and Sonja Kotz. It focused on beat related training and rehabilitation. This field of research derives inspiration from the apparently natural human ability to entrain and move to a beat. This coupling of music and movement seems effortless…

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