
  • Music & Memory,  Music & The Brain,  Singing

    Brain binding of music and lyrics

    Hello Dear Reader, It is a grey and rainy Monday here in York. I am doing my research and writing while staring out at my pot plants, which all look happy to by enjoying a good shower. My grandma always tried to put a positive spin on such gloom by referring to her precious garden – ‘It’s good growing weather’. Taking inspiration from the plants, let’s grow a little too; in knowledge. My scholar alert lead me to a new paper over the weekend that peaked my interest as it relates to one of my ongoing research collaborations. I am working with Dr. Jakke Tamminen (Royal Holloway) on a project that looks…

  • Music & Language,  Singing

    Learn a new language by singing

    Hello Dear Reader Today I am thinking about foreign languages. People who come from monolingual families and who are raised in the UK school system are notorious across the world for being poor at speaking foreign languages. My Kenyan friend Kim once told me a joke that I have repeated to knowing laughter on many occasions since: ‘ People who speak more than two languages are called multi-lingual, people who speak two language are called bilingual….people who speak one language are called British’ This may be an unfair generalisation but it applies to me, no argument. I learned French for 3 years at school and German for 1 year. I lived in…