Musical Expertise

  • Music and hearing,  Musical Expertise

    Musicians at cocktail parties

    Hello Dear Reader, If you want to follow a conversation at a cocktail party then ask a musician to listen in. If you want to know why, keep reading… Just before I get into that… I must tell you that I am excited about ESCOM, the big music psychology conference, which this year is taking place at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. It starts tomorrow (Monday 17th August) though most of the talks begin Tuesday (18th). Lots of my friends and colleagues will be making the trip including my research team mates from Luzern, Switzerland (HSLU). ESCOM is looking great this year with a huge variety of…

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  • Music & Memory,  Musical Expertise

    Are musicians better at multitasking?

    Hello Dear Reader, It got chilly all of a sudden. We were enjoying a mild late summer in the UK until this week. Now people have broken into their supplies of heavy winter scarves and gloves. I have had the pleasure of bringing out my Grandmother’s legacy of winter hats. Today I am debuting her white 1920s bonnet. My Grandma’s hats remind me of her, a lovely feeling.  They also fit my head, which is a miracle. My head measures 60cm circumference. Why not measure your head Dear Reader? You will likely find yours is a neat and well-shaped cranium, not like the bulging mass that sits atop my neck. Large…

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