Musical Expertise

  • Music & Language,  Music & The Brain,  Music and Neurosciences V,  Musical Expertise

    Music and Neurosciences V – Blog 2 (Musical expertise and more?)

    Hello Dear Reader Day 2 of Music and Neurosciences began well, as only a breakfast in France can….freshly baked bread and President Butter!! Oh if only this stuff was part of a healthy diet. No harm in a treat when you are in one of the homes of good food though 😉 After enjoying my breakfast I wobbled to the conference in time for the official welcome from the representatives of Dijon and the local university. The first symposium of the day was arranged by Sylvain Moreno, a researcher whose who features quite a lot in my new book.  Sylvain has a big interest in the transfer effects of musical expertise.…

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  • Musical Expertise

    How musical am I?

    Hello Dear Reader The clocks have changed for another year and we are all making our way out of the long winter in the lush promise of spring. Here in Luzern the trees are finally displaying green folliage and the crocuses are well in bloom. I have to say, I miss daffodils. At home in York you see daffs everywhere at this time of the year and I love having little vases of them in the house. For now however, I will enjoy the unfolding Swiss spring symphony. This week my mind has turned to the question of musicality. What does it mean to be musical? When I was first…

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