Music and development

  • Music and development,  Music and Health,  Music and Neurosciences V

    Music & Neurosciences V – Blog 8 (Music and Infants)

    Hello Dear Reader The morning of Day 4 of the Music and Neurosciences V conference featured yet another beautiful blue sky. It has rained quite a bit in Switzerland lately so it has been nice to experience a run of pleasant weather. One of the best things about Dijon is the recent pedestrianization of the streets, which means I have had lovely walks every day past the Palais Des Ducs to the talk venue. This pleasant amble will be missed. Although tired – this was the last day of the conference – I was determined not to miss the final two symposia of the conference. They featured comment along the…

  • Evolution of music,  Music and development,  Music Psychology

    Christmas music and music psychology queries

    Hello Dear Reader Once again I am in the position of making apologies for my absence of late. Most of my time the last few weeks has been devoted to the completion of my baby – my book. I am pleased to say that other than a few tweaks we are now finished with the manuscript and it will soon be heading to the printers. In total it has been 18 months from the day I started writing to the day I sent off the final proofs. A long time, but a wonderful experience. I feel like I have consolidated so much of what I have learned over the last…

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