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PhD opportunity in music psychology

I had an email today from my friend Dr Alex Aksentijevic who co-ordinates the Applied Music Psychology course at Roehampton . He tells me that there is currently an opportunity for a PhD in music psychology at Roehampton, supervised by him. The details are below. Alex is a member of the CRICEI centre (Cognition, Emotion and Interaction), but he says you can chose another centre – the key for working with him, of course, is MUSIC!

Category: Full-time
Posted: 26 September 2011
Closing date for applications: 24 October 2011

Department of Psychology: PhD Research Bursaries (x4): The Department of Psychology intends to award, for October 2011, four, 3-year research bursaries. £15,590 per annum is payable to support full-time PhD research studies and tuition fees are paid by the University. Successful applicants will be expected to undertake teaching assistant duties such as supporting research methods across the curriculum.

Part of our current strategy is to particularly support research in Developmental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, which were identified as areas of excellence in the 2008 RAE. We wish to encourage research projects using neuroimaging as we have excellent MRI, EEG and TMS facilities. We are especially interested in supporting work in the following areas. Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss possible research topics with potential supervisors, listed below.

*   Cognitive Neuroscience (especially topics related to memory, language and social cognition)  [Dr Jon Silas, Dr Mandy Holmes, Dr Kaz Brandt, Dr Joe Levy]

*   Individual Differences (especially concerning psychopathology, (neuro)development and personality) [Dr Elias Tsakanikos, Dr Lance Slade]

*   Appetite, Food Choice, Obesity, Diet & Cognition, Stress & Health [Dr Leigh Gibson]

Outstanding candidates interested in other topics of current research in the Department are welcome to apply. The Research Centre websites, listed below, provide details of academic staff and their research interests.

Applicants must hold a 1st or 2:1 honours degree in psychology or other related discipline.

To apply please complete an application form ‘Initial application form for MPhil/PhD’ which can be downloaded from You are also required to submit a full CV, a written statement of why you would like to do the PhD study at the University of Roehampton and the skills that you can bring.

Please quote PSY/BUR2 on the completed application form, and send to Graduate School, Roehampton University, Richardson Building, Digby Stuart College, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PH

Closing date: Monday 24th October 2011