
  • Conference reviews,  Music Psychology,  Rhythm,  SMPC13

    SMPC Day 3: Session 2 (Structure and Syntax)

    The mid morning of Saturday featured a neat little session called ‘Structure and Syntax’ but which might more accurately have been labelled ‘Rhythm’, since all 3 speakers were interested in the structure and syntax of the beat to our music (and, as we shall see, our speech). The first speaker was Ani Patel (Tufts University, USA). Ani introduced us to a new approach for the historical study of musical rhythm. I found it to be a very intriguing idea, as very little in the way of traditional scientific analysis is done on historical data. But in music we are of course blessed with many great volumes of musical score going…

  • Music and Neurosciences IV,  Rhythm

    Day 2 – Rhythm and Meter learning

    Day 2 in Edinburgh began sunny and fresh.  Dr Mullensiefen and I found a little cafe for breakfast that served a very reasonable and tasty bowl of Scottish oat porridge. Just the thing to keep your energy levels up for a long morning of fascinating talks!  This cafe, just off the Royal Mile, (called ChocolateSoup ) would become the regular breakfast haunt for the majority of the MMB research group during the conference. Who needs an expensive and tired re-heated hotel breakfast!? The second day of the conference began with a keynote from Professor Alan Baddeley . I have to admit, dear reader, that I practically bounced to the conference…