
  • Rhythm

    Music and Neurosciences V – Blog 4 (Coordinating movement with music)

    Hello Dear Reader I will admit that I was flagging a little by the final session of Day 2 of Music and Neurosciences. The diagnosis was a clear case of “Conference brain” – a unique condition where the brain appears to actually feel full and resists further information – seems to set in earlier and earlier these days! Nevertheless I sat down to enjoy a session on individual differences in movement coordination, arranged by Peter Keller and Shinichi Furuya. Their session focused on the incredible act of body synchronization that we see in musical performance, including the highly precise control of movement timing. The session speakers focused on issues surrounding…

  • Music and Neurosciences V,  Music Medicine & Therapy,  Rhythm

    Music and Neurosciences V – Blog 3 (Moving on the beat of music)

    Hello Dear Reader Day 2 of Music and Neurosciences (Friday 30th May) delivered a bright blue sky over the city of Dijon. The short coffee break between the first session and this one was bathed in warm light, bringing out the soft colours of the city. I can definitely recommend Burgundy for your travels, dear reader. The second morning session of Day 2 (Music and Neurosciences conference) was chaired by Simone Dalla Bella and Sonja Kotz. It focused on beat related training and rehabilitation. This field of research derives inspiration from the apparently natural human ability to entrain and move to a beat. This coupling of music and movement seems effortless…

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