Music & The Brain

  • Music & The Brain

    Musicophilia – real but poorly understood

    What causes musicophilia? If you go to any search engine and type in ‘musicophilia’ then you will more than likely be directed to the excellent book of that title by Oliver Sacks. In this book Sacks employs his familiar engaging and compassionate narrative of neurological patients to explore afflictions and treatments surrounding music. I have known many students to be first inspired to studying music psychology thanks to this enjoyable book. Musicophilia is an excellent title for Sack’s book given its focus on both music-related phenomena and neurological patients. But many people do not realise that it is also a poorly understood neurological phenomenon. Patients who are diagnosed with ‘musicophilia’…

  • Earworms,  Music & The Brain

    What is the difference between musical hallucinations and tinnitus?

    Before I left for Switzerland at the start of this month I printed off a few articles that I had hoped to read for background research, and also to provide you, dear reader, with some of the latest findings in music psychology. Well, this hope has been slightly delayed. It has been a long few weeks here in Luzern as I have been balancing immigration admin, with the freedom that comes with being able to write up articles that have been sitting on my desk for months. I love being able to finally sit down to write up these interesting research projects. I have also been enjoying the planning and…