Music & The Brain
Music reward and personality
Article: Montag, C., Reuter, M., & Axmacher, N. (2011). How one’s favorite song activates the reward circuitry of the brain: Personality matters! Behavioural Brain Research, 225, 511-514. Retrieved October 15, 2011, from Scholars Portal Journals This new journal article makes an interesting contribution to recent findings regarding music and reward in the brain. We know that the brain’s core reward system reacts strongly to our very favourite pieces of music – now it appears that this effect can be modulated by our personality. In January of this year I wrote a blog about an article by Valorie Salimpoor and colleagues, which examined the effect of listening to a favourite piece…
Day 3 – The power of musical imagery
Day 3 of the Edinburgh conference began with brilliant sunshine and a light breeze. I awoke early to put up my poster, and those of other members of my research group in the Playfair library, an amazing long reading room. I spent a few minutes perfecting the art of sticking pins into the presentation boards using only one hand before going anywhere near the precious posters! (My wrist was still in a brace at this point following a sprain). Eventually however, all the posters were up and looking lovely. I was eagerly anticipating my poster presentation, talking to whoever desired to learn more about our work on visuo-spatial processing in…