Music & Memory

  • Earworms,  Music & Memory

    Music and mind wandering

    Hello Dear Reader, How are you?! It feels like a lifetime since I last wrote on my blog. My baby girl arrived safely, 2 weeks late, on May 17th. We named her Penelope in honour of her great grandmothers, Pilar and Patricia – she is the next great Lady P! I am very grateful to everyone who supported me during my pregnancy and during the last 5 months of Penelope’s life. A big thank you also to everyone who sent kind messages of congratulations. I read every one and they were hugely appreciated. Especially at 3am when I had a screaming baby in my arms! Penelope is now getting into…

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  • Music & Memory,  Music & The Brain,  Singing

    Brain binding of music and lyrics

    Hello Dear Reader, It is a grey and rainy Monday here in York. I am doing my research and writing while staring out at my pot plants, which all look happy to by enjoying a good shower. My grandma always tried to put a positive spin on such gloom by referring to her precious garden – ‘It’s good growing weather’. Taking inspiration from the plants, let’s grow a little too; in knowledge. My scholar alert lead me to a new paper over the weekend that peaked my interest as it relates to one of my ongoing research collaborations. I am working with Dr. Jakke Tamminen (Royal Holloway) on a project that looks…