Music and Neurosciences IV

  • Earworms,  Music & The Brain,  Music and Neurosciences IV

    Day 3 – The power of musical imagery

    Day 3 of the Edinburgh conference began with brilliant sunshine and a light breeze. I awoke early to put up my poster, and those of other members of my research group in the Playfair library, an amazing long reading room. I spent a few minutes perfecting the art of sticking pins into the presentation boards using only one hand before going anywhere near the precious posters! (My wrist was still in a brace at this point following a sprain). Eventually however, all the posters were up and looking lovely. I was eagerly anticipating my poster presentation, talking to whoever desired to learn more about our work on visuo-spatial processing in…

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  • Music and Neurosciences IV

    Day 2 – Cultural neuroscience of music

    I was intrigued by the title of the third symposium on the first day of Music and Neurosciences IV. “Cultural neuroscience of music” – fascinating I thought; finally, some research on the different world of cultures that exist within World music and the different ways they might affect both our brains and bodies. And I was not disappointed. They may be small first steps but it is great to see a wider view being taken of the World’s music and its people. The symposium was chaired by Steven Demorest who I first met last year when he was the head of organisation behind ICMPC 11, in Washington. And it appears…

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