Evolution of music

  • Evolution of music,  Music and development,  Music Psychology

    Christmas music and music psychology queries

    Hello Dear Reader Once again I am in the position of making apologies for my absence of late. Most of my time the last few weeks has been devoted to the completion of my baby – my book. I am pleased to say that other than a few tweaks we are now finished with the manuscript and it will soon be heading to the printers. In total it has been 18 months from the day I started writing to the day I sent off the final proofs. A long time, but a wonderful experience. I feel like I have consolidated so much of what I have learned over the last…

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  • Conference reviews,  Evolution of music,  SMPC13

    SMPC Day 3: Session 3 (Evolution)

    Don’t ask me why, but I fancied carrot cake for lunch on Saturday. I was not really hungry enough for a meal but I wanted to keep trying new food here in Canada and although I like carrot cake in the UK I was reliably informed that it was better here. This turned out to be true! I returned to the conference on a sugar high, having consumed one of my five a day (no, really…) The afternoon session of Saturday featured a session on evolution. The subject of music as evolution has proved very popular in recent years following the discovery of bone flutes aged to around 35,000 years…