Interviewing earworms
I have been transcribing interviews most of this week. It is all part of the earworm study I am running at the Music, Mind and Brain group at Goldsmiths University of London, where I work. Some kind souls have given up an hour of their time to be interviewed about their earworm experiences (when music gets stuck in your head) and it is now my job to get all those tapes down onto paper. I have had a few thoughts about the process while I was typing and I thought I would take a quick break to share them with you. The reason we (my lovely research assistant Sagar and…
Music, Mind and Brain Masters students
I have a few unexpected hours this morning as the unseasonably early snow has led to the cancellation of my current experiments. This is easily fixable of course when things get back to normal and the last thing I want is for any of my wonderful participants to risk their safety travelling in to London! So I thought I would take advantage of this unexpected time and catch up on my blog, which I am afraid I let slide over the past couple of busy weeks. Many apologies to my kind readers. First order of business is to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to my 2009-2010 masters students who all passed…