Absolute pitch

  • Absolute pitch

    Test yourself for absolute pitch and synaesthesia

    Hello dear reader It has been a crazy long week for me as I have been teaching for the Open University (OU), the main correspondence based University in the UK.  The OU runs summer schools for its psychology degree and every year I attend one of these residential schools to spend a week living on campus (this year at the University of Sussex) tutoring a lovely group of students who are running their very first experiments. The week is really intense as most of these students have never met each other before coming to the school and it is part of my job to coordinate their getting together in groups…

  • Absolute pitch

    Autism traits in absolute pitch musicians

    Hello and a happy November to you all! Here in the UK November marks the start of ‘Mo-vember’, a really nice charity campaign to raise money and awareness into male health, specifically prostate cancer and testicular cancer. The idea is that men, Mo Bros, can take part by growing a moustache for the month and hopefully by getting some sponsorship along the way. Each Mo Bro must begin the 1st of Movember with a clean shaven face. For the entire month each Mo Bro must grow and groom a moustache. Whilst I can’t take part in this excellent campaign I count myself as a Mo Sista, supporting beloved Mo Bros among my…