Earworms,  Media work

Visiting 6Music

This week I was kindly invited to appear on the 6Music breakfast show which is hosted by Shaun Keaveny. The aim of appearance was to update Shaun’s listeners as to the progress of the earworm project, as 6Music are our partners in this endeavour, and to thank them all for their kind contributions. Also, obviously, to drum up some more support for the questionnaire hosted at http://earwormery.com!

The link to the show is here and you can listen to the show itself for another 5 days. My bit appears about 2 hours and 13 minutes into the broadcast.

Thanks to everyone at 6Music for their continued fantastic support.  It is fantastic fun being on Shaun’s show. The only problem is that he is so funny; I have to fight hard to control my giggles in order to reply to his questions! I hope people found the interview interesting and if you have any thoughts or questions then please do feel free to leave comments here or, if they are lengthier then please write to me at earwomery@googlemail.com.  I aim to reply to everyone, but forgive me if takes a little time…life is busy at the earwormery at times!

Me and Shaun just after the broadcast in the 6Music studio
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