
This page contains links to sites external to, which may be of interest to my readers. I take no responsibility for the quality or reliability of any of the information contained in these sites. Neither should any opinions expressed therein be considered to be mine. All the sites were checked by me at the time of posting but I am not responsible for any changes made and/or maintenance of the site.


  • Nordoff Robbins -UK’s largest music therapy charity
  • Music therapy for disability – a site that aims to bring practical solutions to the disability community focusing on issues such as technology, accessibility, inequality, rights, wrongs and more
  • Function Central – A UK based guide to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of musicians









  • Mary Scott

    Hello Vicky – I listened with interest to your talk with Chris Evans on BBC Radio 2 recently about music and learning. I heard you were looking for volunteers to help with your research?

    Our youngest son (12) is at a special school. Although his IQ is within a normal range and his vocab 2 years ahead of peer group, he has Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder and dyslexia. Luke also has an exceptionally slow processing speed and it’s thought that a difficult birth may have impacted on short term memory. Dr David Baguley is the Head of Audiology (and world expert in Tinnitus and Hypercausis) at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge Dr Baguley diagnosed Luke as having hypercausis which has been linked to ASDs and is directly affected by stress levels.

    Luke loves listening to music. If there is any way we can help your interesting research then we will happily do so, but are slightly restricted by having to stay local as I’m recovering from cancer and am at home a lot.

    We were watching Home of the Future and there was an interesting bit about a company called *** who are developing games and learning opportunities that can be played with brain power only. They think this could help develop people’s memory and concentration immensely and I wonder if you could add your amazing earworm knowledge to the mix to evolve play and learning tools for future generations to benefit from?

    Good luck with all your interesting work Vicky! Best fishes – mary:-)

  • Ben


    I am curious as to whether there will be any PhD positions available working on the Amusia project? Essentially, this is what interests me most about music psychology. Do you think it will be possible to apply for such a position?

    All the best,


  • vicky

    Hi Ben

    I am afraid there are currently no pre-funded PhD positions on the amusia project but if you would be interested to apply for funding (or self fund) and discuss a PhD proposal that you have for working with the amusics then feel free to send your CV and a 1-2 page summary of your ideas (including any thoughts about where you might be eligible to apply for funding) to me at I can then discuss it with Dr Lauren Stewart, who is the lab manager, and we can take it from there.

    Best, Vicky

  • Dan

    Hi Vicky,

    I recently graduated from Binghamton University, which is located in upstate New York in the United States with a B.A. in psychology. I am very interested in pursuing a master’s in music psychology (which is how I stumbled upon your blog), but it seems that most graduate programs for this are located in the UK. I’m uncertain if I want to travel that far (or if I can afford it). Do you know of any good schools that have music psychology programs in the United States? Thanks in advance!

  • lulwa

    Hi Vicky, I really hope you can help me! I am looking into doing a Masters degree in Music Psychology preferable with a strong social psychology and music therapy bias. I would be a mature student as I am 40 years old. My BA was in Political Science and Economics and I have a Post Grad Diploma in Law. I have been practicing as a lawyer for 15 years.

    I’ve been looking into Universities that offer this degree…obviously there is Richmond. I found something at Roehampton but I am also considering studying in the States. I have internet researched this field of study in the US and havent been very successful in finding anything. Would you be able to recommend any US programs or know who I can contact to find out??

    Would much appreciate it.
    Many thanks,

  • lulwa

    I just read back over previous questions and see that you have answered someone with a similar query!! Thank you.

  • shaylee

    Hi love your blog. I have a b.a. in psychology and I wanted to pursue graduate school with a program similar to social music psychology or applied music psychology. My online searches is how I happened upon your site. I’m from the U.S. and have really only been able to find courses where the focus is a cognitive or neurological aspect here. I am gone through your links and still feel a bit lost. I have also searched for a social program that might have a music course but still havent had much luck. It seems uk sheffield has the program I am looking for but that is quite a distance. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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