Websites of interest

  • Music Psychology,  Websites of interest

    Preparing for a music psychology course

    I have been getting some nice emails of late from people who are considering a music psychology postgraduate degree, and who want to know how best to prepare for such a course. So today I am going to lay out a few pieces of general advice for postgraduate students thinking about taking up music psychology. The first important point to make is that each course is different. I work at the University of Sheffield which boasts 3 courses in music psychology that focus on the science of understanding how music affects the brain and body (with 1 focusing specifically on education and 1 designed specially for musicians). The advice I give…

  • Music & Language,  Music & The Brain,  Websites of interest

    Auditory Processing Disorder: Can music help?

    The other day I attended a fascinating symposium held at UCL. This type of meeting was new to me – a training session that combined useful information for those in research and in clinical practice. It was termed “Masterclass in Advanced Audiology: Auditory processing & Language Disorders: Insights from electrophysiology and imaging studies and applications to clinical practice”. The Masterclass ran for three days (4th-6th May) but I attended the 5th May session which was about understanding APD or Auditory Processing Disorder.  And very informative it was too. I could not write about all the talksbut for you , dear reader, I will summarise the work presented by Nina Kraus.…