• Conference reviews,  Music & Consumer Behaviour,  SMPC13

    SMPC Day 4: Session 1 (Beyond the Concert Hall)

    So we come to the final blog for SMPC. The final day also featured the public lecture by Dan Levitin but sadly I was not able to attend this due to the conflict with my flight time. If anyone would like to write about this for the blog then just let me know and I would be happy to put it up for everyone. Sunday was as sunny and pleasant as most of the other days we spent in Toronto and Andrea Halpern and I sat outside for our final breakfast in the hotel after checking out. We then wandered towards the conference for the 8.40am start (yes, on a Sunday…)…

  • Conference reviews,  Music & The Brain,  SMPC13

    SMPC Day 3: Session 4 (Multisensory)

    The final session of talks on Saturday at SMPC had me almost as anxious as the session that contained my talk on earworms. These nerves were because my lovely masters student, Guang Yi Chua, was due to present the data from his masters project on tone colour synaesthesia and absolute pitch. Because of my nerves I’m not sure I even smiled though I am sure he was looking to me for reassurance. He did not need to though as he did a great job. Before Guang Yi however, there were other talks on multisensory perception, starting with a talk from a lovely chap, Matts Küssner, who did his masters on…

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