Music and Neurosciences V – Blog 1 (Therapy, Poor singing and Healthy Ageing)
Hello Dear Reader, I am writing to you today from Dijon. This post will appear after I return but at this moment I am sitting in my little hotel room near to the Palais des Ducs. Despite my love of food and good red wine, I am not here for a gustatory holiday – though I won’t deny I am enjoying the odd indulgence. I am here to attend Music and Neurosciences V, one of the best music psychology conferences in the word, hosted every three years by the Mariani Foundation. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation’, a nod to the increasing amount of work in this area…
SMPC Day 1: Session 4 (Learning and Pitch)
In rounding off the first day of SMPC I decided to skip a little between sessions. This tactic had the secondary benefit of helping me work off the enormous (and delicious) heap of noodles that I had consumed for lunch. The first talk I attended in the final session was called ‘What makes a siren sultry?’ – I think you will agree a pretty great title! The talk was by John Purcell (High Point University, USA) and was focused on how attractiveness in singers impacts on people’s perceptions of their vocal quality and talent. The research is based on the well known ‘Halo effect’ within psychology, whereby specific judgement about…