Music & The Brain
Music in the Brain lab: Aarhus, Denmark
One of the best things about life as an academic is that you get to meet lots of lovely people from all over the world who are interested in the same types of ‘big questions’, in my case that relate to music and the mind. This week I was kindly invited to visit the Music in the Brain lab in Aarhus, Denmark to give a talk about my work with earworms. And I had a wonderul time! Firstly, I should say that I am under quite strict instructions not to tell everybody how lovely Aarhus is – otherwise everyone might go there! I have been there 4 times now and…
Tones and colours in the brain
A while ago I received an email from a kind blog reader which read as follows: “I stumbled upon your blog and there is some interesting things on it. But as someone with synaesthesia I was wondering have you done any post on it? My music is full of colours” The email was from a man called Paul who experiences a rare condition called tone-colour synaesthesia, meaning he consistently experiences sensations of colour when hearing music. At the time I replied to tell him that his was a fascinating condition and that I would love to write about it. But sadly there was no new research out at the time…