Music & The Brain

  • Music & Language,  Music & The Brain,  Websites of interest

    Auditory Processing Disorder: Can music help?

    The other day I attended a fascinating symposium held at UCL. This type of meeting was new to me – a training session that combined useful information for those in research and in clinical practice. It was termed “Masterclass in Advanced Audiology: Auditory processing & Language Disorders: Insights from electrophysiology and imaging studies and applications to clinical practice”. The Masterclass ran for three days (4th-6th May) but I attended the 5th May session which was about understanding APD or Auditory Processing Disorder.  And very informative it was too. I could not write about all the talksbut for you , dear reader, I will summarise the work presented by Nina Kraus.…

  • Music & The Brain

    Do musicians have better executive function?

    When I started my PhD on language and music in memory I spent a good few months, as you do, reading everything I could get my hands on to do with my new topic. I wanted to know all about the evidence for language and music processing overlap. Fairly quickly I came upon “music transfer effects” –typically correlation studies that test musicians and nonmusicians on cognitive tasks to see if there is a group difference. If the groups are well matched and the musicians do better on the task then the temptation is to suggest that the music training improved cognitive function in this area. There are several pitfalls to…

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