Music & Space

  • Music & Space,  Music Psychology

    Those who follow crocodiles – is there more to pitch than high and low?

    Hello Dear Reader, This is likely to be the last blog I write before Music and Neurosciences V, for me the first big music psychology conference of the year. This conference is due to take place in Dijon from 29th May to 1st June. This meeting will focus on “Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation”.  As usual I will be doing my best to report on everything I see there for you. Between now and then I have some time off to spend with my lovely little (at least in age) brother Anthony. I have missed my family very much during the last 8 months in Switzerland. Time away in another country is a…

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  • Music & Space,  Music performance

    The internal piano – music and space

    Hello Dear Reader Well things are hotting up with the book publication this week. We are now 13 days from the big day – launch! For me this time period has been a learning experience in of itself, seeing first hand how publishers cope with the task of bringing a book onto the shelves and internet. For example, there are now several sites offering free copies of the book in prize draws such as Good Reads (so far I have a 4/5 as a rating on this website, which is really nice to see!) and National Book Tokens. If you have entered then I wish you the best of luck 🙂…

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