Music Medicine & Therapy
Music, Mind and Brain Masters students
I have a few unexpected hours this morning as the unseasonably early snow has led to the cancellation of my current experiments. This is easily fixable of course when things get back to normal and the last thing I want is for any of my wonderful participants to risk their safety travelling in to London! So I thought I would take advantage of this unexpected time and catch up on my blog, which I am afraid I let slide over the past couple of busy weeks. Many apologies to my kind readers. First order of business is to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to my 2009-2010 masters students who all passed…
Mozart and Science III – Keynote
Last weekend I was fortunate enough to attend a conference on Music in Medicine and Therapy called ‘Mozart and Science III’. This conference, based this year in Krems (Austria), show cases interdisciplinary research on the effects and experiences of music in medical settings. Here is the conference website’s description of the aims for the meeting: “The third convention Mozart & Science specifies the issues of music therapy and music medicine with regard to the requirements of physicians and health care in inpatient and outpatient settings. Owing to international research and interdisciplinary exchanges, music is now applied in the fields of medicine and therapy in a variety of differentiated modes. At…