Music & Language

  • Music & Language

    Can music influence language learning? The case of hip-hop.

    I came across an interesting article in PloS ONE this week that I thought you may enjoy, dear reader. The article is written by a linguist, Paula Chesley, from the University of Alberta in Canada and asks the question, ‘Has Mainstream American English (MAE) been influenced by the vocals in hip-hop’. The research has implications for our understanding of how musical traditions influence mainstream language development within a culture. It is not a surprising fact that speakers acquire vocabulary by watching films or TV, but there is not a great deal of evidence that listening to music has a similar influence. On top of this, the present paper argues that…

  • Music & Language,  Music Medicine & Therapy

    Music and Language Conference: Musical Ear Training for Cochlear Implant Users

    Last week I was lucky enough to travel to Aarhus in Denmark to attend the ‘Music and Language in the Brain’ conference, which was held at the Royal Academy of Music. For the next few blogs I intend to present summaries of some of the conference presentations including work by Professors Robert Zatorre and Stefan Koelsch; so I hope there is plenty for you to look forward to, dear reader. But my first blog on the conference is reserved for a very special person, my kind host and friend Dr Bjørn Peterson. Bjørn is an associate professor at the Royal Academy and, I am lead to believe by his colleagues,…

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