Music & Emotion
Music & Neurosciences V – Blog 7 (Musical Emotions)
Hello Dear Reader I hope you will forgive my lapse on the afternoon of Day 3. I was late staying at the poster session so I missed the start of symposium 7 on “The Beat” as a structured environment for movement, communication and socialization. This was a shame but having missed the start I decided to have a rest so that I was refreshed for the final session of the day. If you are interested in this Beat symposium, organised by Katie Overy, then you can find all the abstracts online. A little frayed but rested, I headed back for the final symposium of the day organised by Stefan Koelsch…
Music, emotion and the brain
Hello Dear Reader This week has been one of the busiest of my life. I sold my London flat, bought a house back in my wonderful home town of York, and of course published my baby. You Are The Music was very briefly the number one selling music book on Amazon last week, a fact that still astonishes and humbles me. I really enjoy the idea that I am making a contribution to music, however small. I have rarely been so proud and grateful in my life: thank you, Dear Reader. Now that the book is out there in the big wide world I am starting to hear what people…