
  • Interviews

    Interview – Project: How Musical Are You?

    Jason Jirí Musil studied Psychology at University College London, becoming something of a troubleshooter (and long term hanger-on) in the action and body laboratory of Prof Patrick Haggard at the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. His passion for music has led him to the Music, Mind and Brain MSc course at Goldsmiths, University of London, where he has recently been awarded a PhD studentship under the supervision of Dr. Daniel Müllensiefen to develop a broad-spectrum self-report measure of musicality. Jason plays classical guitar in a number of London bands and loves Jazz, Czech pub rock, motorbikes and diving. He is trying to learn the 5-string banjo. Email: 1.) When and…

  • Interviews

    Interview – Stefan Koelsch

    When I was in Denmark recently I had the fortune to run into Stefan Koelsch.   On your behalf, dear reader, I approached Stefan in the coffee break and asked him if he would be kind enough to do an interview for my blog. He said yes immediately, despite his hugely busy schedule. So here you are! Professor Stefan Koelsch is a leading academics in the field of music and neuroscience. Here you can read his latest article, a really useful review of neural music perception research. He has a fantastic website where you can access many of his experimental stimuli and papers for free. He has worked in the fields of…

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