• ICMPC 12

    ICMPC 12 Day 1: First morning session

    The first morning session for ICMPC 12 featured a new idea for presentation for me; everyone here who has a poster gets a 5 minute oral presentation to summarise and advertise their poster. This is a really nice idea for a couple of reasons: 1) you get a snapshot of lots of different work which can be hard to do with a traditional poster session as it is easy to get caught up and involved with one poster at the expense of others; 2) it is great experience of presenting. But as we shall see, it does rather leave you with information overload! Because there are so many presentations I…

  • ICMPC 12

    ICMPC 12: Day 1 afternoon (arrival and reception)

    Hi All! You find me today in VERY sunny Greece – which makes a huge change from London where we have had the wettest April-July on record. I am in Thessaloniki, Greece’s second city, for one reason; ICMPC 12!!!   The 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition is one of the largest gatherings of music scientists in the world. ICMPC only happens every two years and it moves in a cycle from Asia, to America and Europe. Two years ago I was lucky enough to generate enough grant money to get all the way to Seattle for ICMPC 11, and you can read my many blogs about that…