Congenital amusia
Day 4 – Recent findings on amusia
As you might expect, dear reader, I have a slight bias towards any conference symposium on congential amusia. I enjoyed all the symposia at M&N IV of course, but there is nothing quite like the engagement you get from hearing speakers you know inside out from years of reading their papers and admiring their work. So I sat near the front row (like a proper geek), pen at the ready and brimming with excitement to hear the latest developments. WARNING: This blog will be longer than usual – I just can’t help myself! For those whose lives are not so connected with the topic I should outline first of all…
Music, Mind and Brain Masters students
I have a few unexpected hours this morning as the unseasonably early snow has led to the cancellation of my current experiments. This is easily fixable of course when things get back to normal and the last thing I want is for any of my wonderful participants to risk their safety travelling in to London! So I thought I would take advantage of this unexpected time and catch up on my blog, which I am afraid I let slide over the past couple of busy weeks. Many apologies to my kind readers. First order of business is to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to my 2009-2010 masters students who all passed…