Congenital amusia

  • Congenital amusia,  Music Psychology

    Can tone deafness occur in typical listeners?

    Hello Dear Reader, I am just returned from ICMPC 2018 in Graz, Austria. It was a difficult trip on a personal level as it was my first time I have been away from my little girl for more than a day. I decided to compromise on a 3-day trip (half the event) to combine the joys that come with meeting colleagues at a conference while minimising the discomfort that is natural for me when I am away from my little Penelope.   It was wonderful to spend time with my colleagues and friends. We get together so rarely and the social times we spent together in this pretty southern Austrian…

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  • Congenital amusia

    A lecture on amusia

    This week I was invited to give a lecture at my old Uni. The University of York remains a fantastic place to study psychology with some of the most knowledgeable academics I have ever met. Many of them were sweet enough to come to my talk to see what I had been up to since I left York in 2008. I even got some lovely hugs, which made my day 🙂 The day before the talk, as I travelled up  north on the train, I was hugely nervous. There is a unique type of anxiety associated with going back to your old Uni to give a talk in a room…