• Congenital amusia,  Music Psychology

    Can tone deafness occur in typical listeners?

    Hello Dear Reader, I am just returned from ICMPC 2018 in Graz, Austria. It was a difficult trip on a personal level as it was my first time I have been away from my little girl for more than a day. I decided to compromise on a 3-day trip (half the event) to combine the joys that come with meeting colleagues at a conference while minimising the discomfort that is natural for me when I am away from my little Penelope.   It was wonderful to spend time with my colleagues and friends. We get together so rarely and the social times we spent together in this pretty southern Austrian…

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  • Music & The Brain,  Music Psychology

    When should you listen to music to boost task performance?

    Hello Dear Reader, This week I have been picking strawberries and I have returned to writing a new book. I signed a contract during the last month of my pregnancy and then – as you may predict – not much happened. My new book will involve research with music providers and recipients so I have spent time up to now organising this work, including getting my ethics in line with new GDPR regulations. Finally it’s time to get writing! Like many, I can struggle with writing. I find it tricky to keep up with Stephen King’s guidance that a writer should aim for 1000 words a day. Some days I…

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