ICMPC-ESCOM e-book (and sexy study!)

Hi All

First, I want to say a big thanks to everyone who has said kind things about the blogs that I wrote from ICMPC-ESCOM 12. I have been very touched by the positive feedback. With that in mind I decided to turn all the blogs into a free e-book so that anyone who is interested can have all of the blogs in one place.

I finished the e-book over the weekend – it contains all of the blogs uploaded so far onto the website and 7 more from the latter end of the conference that you will not yet have seen.

The e-book is hosted on my university website and is free to download here: http://www.gold.ac.uk/media/e-book.pdf

The e-book is just the story of my personal journey through the conference and of course there are many wonderful presentations that I missed either because of conflicts or tiredness. Nevertheless, I hope you find it to be a useful guide to at least part of what was an enormous, fantastic conference.

On a completely different note I would like to make a plea for one of my wonderful masters students, Kathryn, who is running a big web survey. I can’t tell you much about it (obviously!) but it involves taking measures of musicality and then rating some faces for attractiveness. 

Kathryn needs as many people as possible to do the survey over the next few days. The first part takes about 15-20 mins then you will be emailed 2 days later with the second part, which takes about 10 minutes.

Please, please take part if you have a few spare moments and also please pass this link onto friends, family and colleagues.


I promise not to plea about experiments in general – this is a special case where we need numbers and we need them fast. Big thanks from me and from Kathryn 🙂

One Comment

  • Buck

    Ooohhhh, even better! I’d bookmarked the blog postings but having all those marvelous posts in one place is wonderful. Wish I’d thought of it…